Because of our limited staff the Nida Institute (NIDA) is unable to carry out any program in isolation. As a result, each of our activities is done in close collaboration with partners.
NIDA's most important partners include:
- United Bible Societies (UBS) - Form its early beginning, when the Nida Institute was still a department of the American Bible Society, there was a close collaboration with the UBS. As from 2025, the Nida Institute will be a fully integrated part of UBS.
- Fondazione Unicampus San Pellegrino (FUSP) - This is a federation of Italian Universities that has been NIDA's partner since 2001. FUSP has provided the venue for a significant part of NIDA's training events and workshops. Through FUSP we are now able to offer the students a master's degree in Bible translation. FUSP is led by Prof. Stefano Arduini.
- Jerusalem Center for Bible Translation (JCBT) has provided advanced training in Biblical Hebrew for almost 30 years. Since 2020 the current NIDA director has doubled as the Academic Dean of this training center. This training is accredited by the Hebrew University. Students from all over the world have attended these trainings and are now active champions of the Bible cause within their countries and beyond.
- Pontifical University Urbaniana - This university is located in Rome, and is a place where priests and nuns from all over the world study the Bible. NIDA has been partnering with this institution for around 10 years and has helped them set up the curriculum for a diploma in Bible translation. We currently have 16 students. Most of the training staff is provided by partners such as UBS and local Bible Societies. Funding used to come from ETEN, but we are currently trying to broker a direct relationship between the university and local Catholic Institutions in the USA.
- Scriptura (formerly CDBR) - NIDA is closely associated with a new project called Psalms: Layer by Layer, carried out by Scriptura. This project aims to produce a high quality background resource on the Psalms, bringing together information from different sources and disciplines.
- Every Tribe Every Nation - Many of our projects in the last ten years have been fully or partially funded by the ETEN Alliance.
- The Nida Institute is about to launch a new project, called Kairos, together with UBS, Biblica and SIL.
- We work in close partnership with the Communauté des Eglises Travaillistes on our Oral Bible Translation projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo.